Monday, September 13, 2004

I am depressed !!!

I am depressed !!!
For two consecutive days, I'd been feeling moody....really moody . What wrong with me? I just feel depressed and somewhat empty...maybe recently too much things happened to me

A bosom friend of mine going to leave me soon ...soon after I unable to go to work with her, having lunch together and going to Gusto after work for some fine red wine and my all times favorite Tiramisu....

It's been eight month we have worked together. Looking at the photo and the little message note on office wall, bought me a lots memories .We have so much fun and memories together. The first time I received a bouquet of Sunflowers for my birthday, all those little surprise she gave me .I really appreciate it. All the wonderful ladies night party we had together, drink and danced like no tomorrow...My English teacher who always teach and comment me on my assignment. My shopping khaki who always have fun trying all the nice clothes and shoes together in town...My off day Khaki...How am I going to spend for my off days without her???
It is just so sad to see her leave the club, prepare her acceptance of resignation, her last salary cheque ...I HATE IT!!! I really wish that she'd stay in Singapore,...but no matter what I have to support her decision. She is still young and wanted to explore more outside the world. I believe she can archive what she wanted for her life and it's a good chance for her to go around and for her carreer advancement....

Just have an argument with a stupid man over a Jay Chou's concert....I tend to get angry easily don't know why? I got pissed off to people who don't reply my message. I hate it when I asked people something and yet no reply. I got pissed off to seen those man who are married and yet want to flirt around with other woman....WHAT WRONG WITH ALL THESE PEOPLE? If you think that you are unable to settle down, hey just throw away your wedding rings. All the trust and promises inside is void. How about engage a lawyer to file for a divorce....if you can't bring happiness to that person lets other have a chance to do it!!! Selfish fool!!! if one woman is NEVER enough to satisfied you then STAY SINGLE!!!!

Argghhh...What's wrong with me??????.....I need a break, a place away where I never been before, people who I never met before....I need a comedy show to make me laugh...I need shopping badly , buying all those cool stuff to make myself look better...I need to sing, sing all my lung out about how unhappy I am....I need a nice sleep, to forget who I am....I am really depressed!! Hopefully the coming boating trip will make me feel better ....I am looking forward for that day....

another 30 mins to go before knock off ...go to go back to clear some stuff...


Blogger Liwen said...

opps... i sometime also forgot to reply her sms .. and late reply for her email.. opps.. she must be damn pissed off with me i guess...
sound familiar?
if only i remembers correctly lah..
cheer up my friend.. to bring u a little bit happiness i'm using my annual leave to go jet ski with u...

September 13, 2004 10:36 PM  

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