The Party was unexpected. The crowd was there but there was no party mood. People just too shy to get down their feets and dance. I didn't know most of the singer, except Machi, Shin, All-4-one and Michael Learn to rocks. They were really cool and rockz....especially Michael Learns to Rocks, playing all the all times favourite hits like, out of the blue, sleeping child, Actor etc. All the songs were so reminiscent of my adolescence.

Overall the party was ok. It was more like a old friends gathering as I was with bunch of long time friends, Junwen, Bernard and their friends Gaoxiang, Baoqing and Fucai. It had been eon that we didn't meet up and knowing almost 10 years that was our first time going out together. I was chating with Junwen and he bought me a lot of the past memories. Time flies, all of them changed so much. Junwen and Bernard had actually set up their own family business. They just started and it had been going well.
It was quite funny that we got to know him and his whole family.He is Bernard's brother and Bernard was my Sec Classmate. I still remember that time, we were so close that it become the after school daily routine to go over his place for a reunion meeting before we went back home. We refer to Me, Meiqi, Irene, Fangting & Xuefen.The five girls were so crazy about him and his brothers and that was how we got closer. We started to go to school together. Meet after school and even took up the same ECA class. I even help to clean up his messy room. Those were the good times memories we had sweet...I almost got a big crush with him, but we were just a good friend.
Bernard is still together with Baoqing. They have been together for so long. Seven years I believe. I guess his wedding bell will be ringing soon.As usual he is still as playful as beforea and all his crappy jokes will never fail to let me laugh.
After the party concert and supper. I was damn exhausted. Was thinking to have to good bath and tuck myself to bed until I was shocked to see three puppies lying on the floor. Hebe just gave birth!!! Two puppies were lying motionless on the floor. I kept trying to wake them up but it didn't work.They were dead!!! I feel so sad and guilty. If only I was there, they may have a chance to survive. I guess Hebe must be very upset about her loss. I'm on a guilt trip about not be able to save them.
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