Finally!!!!! I am updating my blog man..sighed.I shall not explain why lah, cos it will be the most common excuse ~ I am just freaking busy over the month!!!!!!!!! Can't believe it? Beat me, I also don't know what I am busy with.
Well, finally CNY is over. I just hate CNY ~ don't ask me why! And this year luck is really not with us. No matter what we bet we will lose, even thought the chances of wining is 80%. To calculate in total we lost nearly $400. I can buy many stuff for that sum of money you know. Anyway it was not from my wallet pocket....hehe.
Enting just celebrate her birthday at dlb O last friday. She having a theme for the night, party with hair gears. I am the one who support her ideal but ended up I disappointed her. I am sorry babe, I really got the heart and took my lunch time rushing back home to look for my cap,but somehow I didn't manage to find it. Someone must be come to my room and stole it away, my intuition told me.
Recently my company sending me for a 9 days course located in town. Damn shoick lah I tell you. I love attending course, knowing that I not need to face all the sickening people in the office. Knowing that I got excuse to delay my work for my boss ..not that I am not efficient okie I am over loaded you know. Knowing that I can wake up late and release early for a shopping spree in town. Knowing that I can meet my darling early if he knock off early too. How nice good you tell me!!
Last Tuesday was celebrating Valentine's Day with my sweet one. He is just so sweet to me. Although I know that he is not those type person who will celebrate such day, but he just want to spend it with me. He bought me a nice soo kee diamond pendant with white gold chain. I love it so much!! I bought him a custom fit black Polo Ralph tee for the exchange gift. He looked so smart with it. I think I make the right choice lah. We have our dinner at Outback steakhouse located at Millenia Walk. Dinner wasn't really great, the food taste too salty but we love the ambience there. After dinner we went back home cuddling on bed and enjoying the DVD we rent from PLAY station. How sweet right ? haha...
I took many many nice pictures but yet to upload to my computer. My computer is aging, think she will just die off any time. No choice, got to start planning and doing my budgeting for a new lap top soon.
Ok, some photo to show you first...just in case somebody might forget how I look like :) but I think I look so pale. My skin just look like pieace of white paper...I REALLY need some TANN!!!!!!!!!! anyone want to sponsor me ? to pamper myself for a treat at tanning salon?? Interested party may want to email me that.
Another birthday baby coming, but somehow there is something happened. I know you are reading it. Don't worry gal, I am always with you..remember that ok? I am praying everythings will be ok for you and your family. I love you gal, sound a mushy? hehe..I still hope to meet you up for a dinner. Happy birthday to you first !!
Haha..really got to end here, I am using my little free time to update my blog. Got to go back to work liao ..haha
Will update soon :)

I think I really looked like a sick woman.

Liwen , ME and Enting @ dlb O. These two woman really getting prettier and prettier.

Celebrating Vince's bday at a seafood restaurant in east coast.

my one true love..
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