Monday, September 27, 2004


Sports Day
I am aching all over. Yup, finally went for the gym workout, believe it a not. Kristie got the membership from Philip Wain and she bought me there for some serious workout. Damn it!! I really need to do something to cut down all the fat around my body. I have horrible fat thighs and my tummy looked so round and big. Weight myself at Philip Wain, my weight has increased from 51 kg to 55.3kg. I really need to exercise!! To burn all my fatty calories...

My first time visit to Philip Wain, have heard so much from Kristie. I love the place very nice & classy. Heard that it's a five star rated fitness centre and you wont be surprise to see some of the local female celebrities going there for workout. This fitness centre is only for female.......hahha guys cant get it again!!!!

Kristie bought me to the branch at Scott shopping mall. We put all out stuffs in the locker and went for the serious workout for 2 hrs. Never stay in the gym for so long, my stamina considers quite good yeh...haha...but yet still got people thinking that I went there to enjoy the air-con breeze.... *sighed*

After all the running and cycling workout, we went to have some apple & carrot juices at the fruit juices bar. So fresh and refreshing and it's 100% pure fruit juice....Damn shoick..Sound like those rich tai tai's lifestyle right? On the bar there was a table stating there was a fat burning circuit class held at the United Square branch, we were so tempted to go so Kristie was trying to negotiate with the staff whether she still can still bring me in there & thanks god they are fine with it. The staff there were all friendy and good customer services.

Soon that we hurried went for steam bath and shower so that we can rushed for the 730 pm class. We were quite early there.There was a class teaching Jazz dance, the class looked so fun feel so tempted to join too!!

The fat burning circuit aerobic almost killed me, I couldn't follow the beat and kristie was laughing at me all the way. There were lots stretching all around the body and it really burned all my fat. After the class my body started to feel ache and I left no much strength and energy. But after all I still enjoyed doing it.

Two days ago me and krsitie got the FREE membership pass from California Fitness centre, and Ping let me have her DBS Woman Philip Wain 6 gym pass voucher, and further more Planet Fitness Centre is giving out 14 days membership pass to all SAFYC staff!!! Wow lau!!!I can access all the gym facilities and classes for FREE for three different centres. Damn lucky!!! Anyway it's going to be a sporty month for me!! I am looking forward for more workout to trim dowm my FAT!!!! Fat Fat go away , never ever come again...... ;)

Ya going for my beauty sleep soon .....


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