Sighed.. Don't why I start to get very emotion.
Suddenly I feel like crying.
Suddenly I feel so lonely.
Suddenly I feel that I am all alone in this world.
Suddenly I feel very tired.
and you know what I seriously don't know why!!???!!
I feel like finding someone to pout out how I feel, maybe just need someone to talk to...but whenever I scrolled down their number to call them, I cancel it.
Maybe more shopping trips will cure me or rather I am finding an excuse to spent my money away. Well as least I do feel better after buying things that I like...

I start to like white colour. Simple and nice !!!!

Guess what I got this at 10 bucks!!!
some photo taken at China Black with my buddy Enting.

I love this pictures so much!!!
Hmmmmm I really missed my working life in the club.. althought far but at least I enjoy and have so much memories there...
dun treat things too hard for u,nothing in d world without defect or blemish.there are always a place to lean upon,that's your friends.
Surely there have some most memories in mind that u try to recalled.
dun let difficulty defeat u,,stand up there's certainly have a lending hand around u! take k.
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