Said I am petty. Said I am naive. Said I got nothing better to do asking you this questions or whatsoever or what a big fuss over for this. I just hate people dont reply my sms. I hate people don't return my call. I hate people don't reply my emails. Yup maybe that person is really busy or whatsoever. I am just tried asking and asking to that person who don't even bother to reply me . I feel so stupiiidd. I feel that he / she is RUDE for not replying me.
I just hate it...hate it...hate it...hate it . Dont ask me why? Maybe I am sensitive.....so buddies, if happen that I sms you something and you are SUPER busy doing your things , but when you are free can reply me ? I am a understanding person but somehow some people just dont appreciate my friendship to them. So what a heck , that person will be out of my phone contact!!!!
I am having a mild asthma attack, feeling so miseable. I can't talk well. I can't walk fast. I can't sing. I can't sleep well.Hardly breath in and that feeling of no having a normal breathing is really scary. Just scare that I might faint somehwhere.Having 9 pills X 3 times a day. Poor me ....hope I get well soon :)
are you ok now??? how come you got an asthma attack all of a sudden??
I also dont know leh , two years ago already got a mild attack. But I have asked the doctor , she told me it's not those serious type . Just have to watch my health. I am recovering now..still got lots of pills to take :(
hahahahaha......y so angry...heng i busi also reply ur sms...relax la...u got asthma u koe...
anonymous ~ Haiz...people just heck care mah , me as their friend not important mah ...what to do ? That's why got asthma attack
i also hate people who dont give a shit abt friends effort to keep in touch! never mind sy, dont care abt him/her or whatever, like what you said, out the person/thing goes from ur contacts! :)
Kristie ~ Ya you are right ! I cant stand people like that.
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