I just Pissed off with this FAT WOMAN...

I am not trying to be mean or against with any Fat People . I am just pissed of with this Fat woman.So what if your boobs bigger than mine? You weight heavier than me? She is just plain irritating. This woman think she is the boss. She think the world belong to her F**K!!
I never met someone so 'ya ya' like her, instead of ask people doing favour for her but she sound like commanding people like " You are here to do this and that , and hey I am sure you know how to read numbers..." . She is just a lousy organiser and still address herself as an EXECUTIVE OFFICER. Pls lah ......and F**k of course I know how to read number okie but I think your mama never teach you how to ask people for favour. No manner!!
Well, not all fat people behave like this.
who lah is this mysteriously fat woman? sounds fattish...hahaha
someone who talk big but no action ...who else ...You go and think think think, not really got much fat woman in the club leh ...
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