Thanks God it's FRIDAY again!!
Well, well, well, Finally I have waited for this day to come. I am really sick of working in this suck company. Day to day I have been dragging my ass to come here to work. I still working on hunting for good job, so far no news yet. Just pray that luck is with me.
Last sat, went to catch this movie with Dunjie, STEP UP. If you guys like to dance like me , love the movie Save the last dance or Dirty Dance , I guess you might like this. I love it!!! Actually not really about the story line, but I am truly in love with the lead actor!!! He is just so wonderful and COOL!!!! Love to watch his every move when he danced.

Well, Jingle bell season is coming. I just love Christmas!! I always feel so romantic to spend this day with my love one, even just a stroll at orchard road.
Last Wed meet up with Jiahui & Ling Hui for dinner at Orchard. We had a great dinner and follow by some drinks at Alley bar. Our first time at Alley Bar and we fell in love with this place. Somewhere that we can rest our feet and relax and also a great place to do some catch up. We promised to have our meet up here on next wed again!!!
On our way to Alley bar, we manage to have some snap photo. The whole Orchard Road was filled with Christmas atmosphere, I love the deco for this years. Here are some pictures that we took.