Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lazy bum..

Dont know when and how i become lazier and lazier. Sometimes i really can stoned for hours without any movement. I just want to rest and dont feel like doing anything. I ended up hiding myself at home over weekend. Eating and sleeping is what I do at home over the weekend.

What happen to me? Am I work stressed?....

Since after I took up this job, my time with my friends getting lesser...and it's become a routine schedule as follow ..


....eat lunch






....back home



.....watch tv


....back to work

I guess I need some LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

A new significant of my life

Yes! I have done an initial DJ tattoo on my wrist. Finally I did it with my courage and to endure all the pain. (It was really pain loh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). I really can't imagine that I have gone thru the needle pain for one hour!

This time I am doing something different, not really because of the design but something significant. It's a symbol of my husband name DJ. Although some of my friends feel stupid to put name as tattoo, who knows what’s going to happen in future? What if we no longer together?

Can you read the words DJ? It is readable either front or reverse side...Cool right?

Our second tattoo!!!!!!!!!!

Enting turn to be ' in PAIN'

But the pain worth for the outcome...
BUt I have a different view on this. I just want to have some part of memories with him, somebody I want to remember for life.....be it happy or not.....be it we will grown old together... he is part of my life....