Thursday, June 30, 2005
Sunday, June 26, 2005
I am in love......
Yes!!! I am in love....I am in love with a guy who is wearing a white T-shirt and jean. ....
I didnt know guy who just plainly wear a white T-shirt and a jean can be so attractive....
He is rockz...
He melts my heart...
He is talented.....
He got the style....
He raced......
How to I describe my feeling now?
We just met ..
I am so engross when I saw him....
My heart beats so fast...
I dropped my handphone....
My short nearly dropped......
I hurried ziped up my short.....
Ohmigod....He is damn cooll!!!!
Yes lah... I just watched Initial D....
Damn good lor....not because I like him then I give good comment
Infact I likeeeeeee him alot and he is still damn good
So to those people, stop saying that he can't act ...
He can okie...even though he got a pair of small eye...
Small small eyes can race also can....can looked even more sexy can
I want to buy his DVD!!!!!!
Saturday, June 25, 2005
why nobody?
I am so tempted to catch the movie Initial D today. Heard so much good comment from my friends and waiting so long for it..but ...nobody want to watch it with me :(
Sending all the sms to my friends...all got date liao
Sighed.....really want to watch it now leh. Why such a boring saturday .....?
Monday, June 20, 2005
Sunday, June 19, 2005
It had been a good week
I am totally enjoyed myself for the whole week. Going back early meeting all my friends for shopping therapy, makan and complaining session and kara singing session..
Damn destress lot!!!!
Thinking that I only left one day to enjoy myself...sighed....Thinking that I going back to my hell life ...sighed.... I am utterly pissed off working there. Have heard so much from my so called assistant when I called back to my office during my course. Anyway it's time to move on, start to look for another job :)
Now I am struggling to absorb whatever I can for tomorrow paper...hmmm althought it's going to be a open book exam but I heard its not easy lor.
Here my new messy look...

my new hairstlye.....
Sunday, June 12, 2005
I was reading ah lim's blog . He really busted me into laughter. Really cannot tahan such person. What's the hell for that song??? It's torturing okie.
Work no more ......
I've got a busy week ahead of me. Work and Work and Work. Work piled up like a mountain on my tray. More meeting coming up. More things to follow up. Work like never end and I always the last person to go off . Not that I am not efficient okie. I am overloaded okie!!!
I am preparing a agenda for my meeting tomorrow. I really don't know what to say during the meeting. I am the Chairman for my company Dinner & Dance. Don't understand why they put me as the Chairman.I haven't done such a event before.I hope I won't mess things up.
Yes, I am looking forward for next week. I going for a auditor course for damn whole week. Haha can get away with all the stupidd stress and seeing all those sickening people again. I am really don't enjoy working there, but on the other hand I really can learn lots of shit from them with is really good for my resume.
Recently there was a case with a staff who requested for a cash cheque ( I've issued him a cross cheque, I was told by my boss to cross all the cheque and I don't understand it). This guy claim that he had informed his Operations Executive that he want a cash cheque but the infor didnt even reach me. He keep telling me that he dont have enough money to open account things like that ( It's a $287 cheque) and needs the money urgently for his expenses. I am trying to be kind enough to rush him another cash cheque ( My boss going oversea on that afternoon) but my only request is to have the cheque one to one exchange.
I spoke to his Operations Executive about the arrangement. He told me to pass the cash cheque to any driver who is going there. I refused. I got to stand for myself, the cheque is still under his name , what if the cheque never come back to me ? who is going to account that for? He then started to say all kind remarks like why I don't show sympathetic about his staff and even treathen me to ask a higher level people to talk to me. I was like ..." What ? It's just a small things, just arrange someone to exchange the cheque with me simple as that..what is a big f**king fuss over this " ? I find no use to carry the arguments with him. I spoke to the staff direct.
After softing out with the Staff. He agreed to pass his cheque to a driver and exchange the cash cheque with me on the next day. I TOLD him to arrange with the driver. Cos how would the hell I know which driver going to his place? Hello I got 700 staff here leh....He was appreciated what I have done for him, cos that was the most I can do for him. I have done my part.
The driver didnt turn up on the next day ( My fault? ). The Staff called and making noise again . ( My fault ? I really dont get it lor. ) He barked at me , saying this .....
" Yes, you have been very helpful to me but you are trying to be helpful and not even help me at all"
" You go think about it, you promised to give me the cheque by today and yet I didnt get it "
" I am not trying to threaten you , but If i can't get the cheque by today , you can just prepare whatever you want, I am quit! "
" You go think about it , I wont want to say more "
He then hanged up my phone...
You mother F**king son of the bitch !!!!!!! It's not my fault at all !!! Sometimes it's really hard to be a kind soul. Working such people really can kill all my red blood cells.
That's was only one case. I even have the most nasty things to list out. Enough all the hell I have there. I have to tolerate another day before I can go for my course. *crossed my fingers* give me a break tomorrow.
Last Tuesday I went singing session with one of my colleague , her friend and Shawn. Finally I get something to destress myself. Althought its fun but will be even fun with all my girls friends around. With them around I can dance and sing all sort of silly songs together. I better don't scare them off haha.., wait they dont want to go KTV with me again. This Shawn really can sing, choose all the latest song which I don't even know who is that singer. I am still stick on Yr 2000 leh...Next time go KTV with him must at least learn a few new songs lah..
After all the destress they still don't want to go back home. It's 12am and they saying " The night is still young, let's go for some drinks?"
So we adjourned ourself to Mdm Wong. My very first time to party on tuesday night. But not too bad lah , still can see some people sitting around and some silly monkey dancing at the dance floor. We stay till 3am and called it off a day.
Wednesday is a day I am waiting for. Meeting Liwen for dinner and a short shopping spree!!! It's really good to meet up my girl friend for some gossip, bitching and complaining sessions. She is not in a good mood too, was stress out by her exam and she told me she didnt do well this time but I am strongly belived this smart gal can pass through.Both of us really stress, but after all the jokes,craps we had during dinner a happy face appeared again.
Liwen, I want to have that more often okie? You can really destress me !!!!
Friday , meet Junwen for coffee session near my place kopi tiam. He just broke off with his GF. Poor things. I really got a shock to see him. He really lose alot weight, become really really skinny.Really dont know how to console this guy. His GF was with a guy for a month during their relationship and now this girl keep pleading for his forgiveness and blah blah blah. The reasons why the relationship turned out like that is because he didnt give enough attention to her. His business just pick up and most of his time was occupied by his business and studies. He wanted to work hard so that he can provide a comfortable life for her. He was utterly devastated when he got the news from her.
I do feel pity about him , but as a girl to view this matter. Attention really matter!! For a young girl aged 20 how far can she think? Think about future ? Her real life haven't even start yet and how to be so sure to get settle down? Maybe for some girls yes but not for me at a age of 20!!!
There is plenty girls out there. I do have one friend who is pretty, intelligent, mature, joker , tall, stay in woodlands near near somemore ...hahhahaha go figure out who. Such a good catch must get hold mah, don't tell me I never intro you hor...
But guess he is quite okie, still manage to bleo girl at the kopi tiam......That's guy!!!! Telling me all their sad stories and yet and pointed to me which pretty gals lottering around bleo him blah blah blah ...*signed!!!*
Okie, I think this is a longest blog I have type so far. Dont know what I have type ..all the craps and complains I have for a week...
Anoher week come again. I going for a shopping therapy with Enting later. I haven't went for any Great Singapore Sales yet. Need some spending therapy and it's time to do so *giggling*
Sunday, June 05, 2005
kawaii ....I have a new look :)
I have been busy with my work big sucks man...never work till I so pissed before. So many things to follow up and so many things is unclear ..I haven even touch on my dinner & dance for my company. The date is getting!!
Well, to make it short. I just got a new hair cut. I always like to change my style...but since I start my new life with my new company. I hardly dress up and now I really looked like a aunty. Eeeeeeeeyyyeeeee how can like that? I already not pretty liao . I dont want to be a ugly aunty can?
I have been stick on to this hair stylist for almost 6 to 7 years. I like all the hairstyle he done for me. Totally suit me ! I likeeeee it. Here are some hair cut he create for me....

me (left) something wild and funky... people always mistook me working in designer flim...they cant believe when I told them I am from HR.

a more classy look.......I looked more decent with this hair style

The shortest hair cut I had....
And now I having a kawaiii japanese look....
Hehehe haven took any photo yet ....actually I am still not use to my new messy perm look ....wait lah!! My hair stylist advised me not to wash my hair for two days think better dont show my messy and smelly hair ..haha
I having a very bad outbreak. Pimples pop all over my face. ......think I really stress out.....I need some help!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember that irritating guy? He have been smsing me for days and I just simply ignore him at all. It's good that I have choose to ignore him rather than to told him off and make things ugly. He is just simply irritating,especially when I am super busy with my work. Sms keep coming in asking those stupid questions again...
" Hi what are you doing now? "
" Hi want to go for movie?"
" Hi I just went to this so and so pub. good place to chill out. Next time bring you along.."
" Hi, have you sleep?"
" Hi how are you lately? want to go party tonight , just me and you ?"
I wondering you really got nothing better things to do.Always like to ask ppl out and then fly people areoplane...really that fun meh?
After so many sms which I didnt reply him. He finally sms me ...
" I hate people who don't reply me, you are out of my contact list"
That sentence really sound familar , I have type that on my friendster profile for those people who dont reply my sms lor..
Really a copy cat leh...can be abit creative anot ?
Well, to make it short. I just got a new hair cut. I always like to change my style...but since I start my new life with my new company. I hardly dress up and now I really looked like a aunty. Eeeeeeeeyyyeeeee how can like that? I already not pretty liao . I dont want to be a ugly aunty can?
I have been stick on to this hair stylist for almost 6 to 7 years. I like all the hairstyle he done for me. Totally suit me ! I likeeeee it. Here are some hair cut he create for me....

me (left) something wild and funky... people always mistook me working in designer flim...they cant believe when I told them I am from HR.

a more classy look.......I looked more decent with this hair style

The shortest hair cut I had....
And now I having a kawaiii japanese look....
Hehehe haven took any photo yet ....actually I am still not use to my new messy perm look ....wait lah!! My hair stylist advised me not to wash my hair for two days think better dont show my messy and smelly hair ..haha
I having a very bad outbreak. Pimples pop all over my face. ......think I really stress out.....I need some help!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember that irritating guy? He have been smsing me for days and I just simply ignore him at all. It's good that I have choose to ignore him rather than to told him off and make things ugly. He is just simply irritating,especially when I am super busy with my work. Sms keep coming in asking those stupid questions again...
" Hi what are you doing now? "
" Hi want to go for movie?"
" Hi I just went to this so and so pub. good place to chill out. Next time bring you along.."
" Hi, have you sleep?"
" Hi how are you lately? want to go party tonight , just me and you ?"
I wondering you really got nothing better things to do.Always like to ask ppl out and then fly people areoplane...really that fun meh?
After so many sms which I didnt reply him. He finally sms me ...
" I hate people who don't reply me, you are out of my contact list"
That sentence really sound familar , I have type that on my friendster profile for those people who dont reply my sms lor..
Really a copy cat leh...can be abit creative anot ?