TsunamiToday the sea is calm and peaceful, birds soaring in the sky freely. I was so happy to know that Tsunami ( that is a nick name we gave to our Manager) is off today. We have been hits by her ever since she came here. 'Victims' who were hits by her almost cant 'breath' and want to quit. You can imagine how's life working with her. And that make my department even busier, finding replacement for those 'victims' that's cost alot time spending. Would it be better to find a person to replace her instead?Now I can peacefully do all my work without any disturbance. I have yet finish my IR8a which need to give out to the satff by 1st March. Time is running out all because I have been doing all those 'you de mei de' interview, bloody hell . It just so stupid that I have to repeats all the things I said to each candidate all over again.She is just the biggest disturbance at work.
Love is in the Air .....
a surprise with love @ Valentine's day ..
Inside the love box~ a bear & some bath soap
gift for
him.... I like the colour :)
SuperStarClass 95 is playing the song Superstar by Jamelia and that make me think of my best friend Kristie . We used to go Philip Wain for workout and they often played this songs. I really missed all the good times. Miss all her company, her smile, her laughter... I miss you Kristie. Liwen dont get jealous, I miss you too and I know I will be meeting you very soon ....hahahhahaha :)
My Prince is in LOve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Someone took away Jie lun's heart. I just watched the news about him and Patty Hou.Their romantic trip in Tokyo was all over the newspaper.He was quite shy to talk about It...how envy that gal ah ?? Not that I am sad about it, just that I cant believe he is taken.Sighed! Anyway he won't be mine if he is still single, I know ...I am just dreaming :(He must be very stress over this matter, facing the media making explanations. Come on, he is just a human being, give him a break. Why these people take it so hard? He got his own life, no matter what we should give him all the blessing.Whether their story will last a not its not up for us to judge.As long he produce great songs and talents, he is still my prince :)
Weekend............Well I think I have neglect about my blogger....haiz...really been very busy for the past two weeks and somemore my pc still in 'coma' hahahahah...so much things happening for the past two weeks now I really dont even know how to start...hmmmm........Yesterday went to celebrate my best friend Meiqi birthday at party world. Mabel and I bought her a very nice braclet ...heheh glad that she like it and enjoy the whole programme we have for her. Sing lots of songs, but guess the sound system there was'nt really that good.but after all It was really a great time to meet each other again:)This morning went jogging with my neighbour ...haiz...I am just useless...jog less than 5 mins I already out of breath ..hehheh poor neighbour end up had to walk with me all the way ...hahahhahah I just hate jogging but i got no choice need to push myself to do something to reduce my weight ...I still thinking yoga suit me the best ...planning to sign up a class......hahahahah let me plan my schedule first :) After all the tiring walked we went to have our breakfast at Market. We were having the best prawns noodles in the market...hmmm......so nice , taste so good!!! Yum!! YUm!! I still feel very sleepy ....think I need a nap before I meeting boon to CWP.....
Instant Mashed Potatoes!!!!Ping bought a pkt of Instant Mashed Potatoes to the office and she give me one pkt to try..Its was so amazing!!!! Just pour it in a cup and add in some boiling water and in a second it will disolve into Mashed Potatoes....Its taste just as good as the real one..Yum!! Yum!!! I just finished it ...NICE!!!!!!!!!! I am sure Kristie love it too !!
Nice song.....RYAN CABRERA LYRICS "True"I wont talkI wont breatheI wont move till you finally seeThat you belong with meYou might think i dont lookBut deep insideIn the corner of my mindIm attached to youIm weakIts trueCuz im afarid to know the awnsersDo you want me too?Cuz my heart keeps fallnig fasterIve waited all my lifeTo cross this lineTo the only thing thats trueSo i wont hideIts time to tryAnything to be with youAll my life ive waitingThis is trueYou dont know what you doEverytime you walk into the roomIm afarid to moveIm weakIts trueIm just scared to know the ending Do you see me too?Do you even know u met me?Ive waited all my life to cross this lineTo the only thing thats trueSo i will not hideIts time to try anything to be with youAll my life ive waitedThis is trueI know when i go ill be on my way to youThe way thats trueIve waited all my life to cross this lineTo the only thing thats trueSo i will not hideIts time to try anything to be with youAll my life ive waitedThis is true
I am damn bored!!!!
I am now at my BF house , feel so bore ....now his mother now sleeping in his room.Left me all alone at the living room surfing internet ...haiz......
Hmmmm guess what yesterday went over Jenny's place and weight myself ...i couldnt believe my eyes ....my weight increase to 61kg ...!!!!!! how can it be??? I almost faint.....really got to do something ...I cant take it if I reach 70kg ..Haiz...I still want to wear pretty clothes leh .....But seriously I dont look like I have put on weight ..maybe its my height ba..
From next week onward I going to gym for workout and do some jogging with my neighbour ...hahahha I will do it!! trust me this time....
Advance Happy chinese new year to all of you .....
Get more ang bao ..win more $$$$ .....stuff more good foods lah ...
at last I got two days break :)
Miss U
I hate Chinese New Year ......
I simply dont like Chinese New Year...maybe because my parent not around , dont have the meaning to celebrate CNY. Last year I had been hiding myself at home for three damn days watching VCDs. I'm wondering how I going to spend my CNY this years ...just one word SIAN~. I didnt bother to buy any new cloth, shoe or whatever . ....its just another boring days that make me stay at home to stuff myself with all the cookies, chocolate and crackers...
Its had been a dinner and dinners week, I have been eating all the good foods for the past three days. phew..havent even weight myself. Last wed was having Thai Express with Liwen. As a Thai food lovers, we love thier tom yam soup...hmmmm very spicy and it taste really good , fried glass noodle and fried sotong....hmmmm......very appetizing and really worth for the $$$
After the dinner, we shop around and headed to China black. hahahha its been such a long time since liwen last party there. Everything was change, the crowd ....the deco and music but no matter what liwen will not forget abt the pillars there....she will keep laughing and laughing whenever she saw the pillar...Hahahah it reminisce a so called couple doing some romantic acts ...Those were the days I enjoyed myself party most :)We used to party there but the crowd now really turn us off or maybe its becos of our age??? Guess we should hang out at KTV sing our lung out....video MTV, sound more fun right?...dont you think so, liwen ?
Thurs was having dinner with Shawn, Kef and Enting . ..hehee we were having Fish & Co. Althought I am not a sea food lovers, but the seafood platter really taste good!!! Yum! Yum!!
Hmmmm....actually the most attraction was not on seafood platter ..hahahh I am curious to know what's the progress between Kef and Enting ..hahahha right call me Kpo or whatever I am just concern about my friend...
Yesterday went to Simei to celebrate Jamie's Birthday . Dinner again!! Our table was spread with lots of dishes , got fish , veg , fried rice, prawns, duck ...etc , my stomarch really cant take in any more .....the more I stuff the more i feel like want to puke ....
Okay lah, already spend 5 mins to post this blog, got to clear off my things liao ...I hate it!!!!
It's My BEST friend BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
It's Liwen Bday today!!! Hahahhahah another year gone, 24 this years..I am so busy, thought I can have some spare time to write a card for her but I am super busy for the whole day, running here and there like siao.
So many people left the club, (expected lah , everybody just waitng for bonus then throw letters) I am really tired. I feel like going off too!! Have interview a few pontential candidates, was so tiring .....saying the same damn things over and over again anyway they got the job!!! and finally I can take a break.
Tonight going for a small celebration for Liwen, hahah hope it wil be good lah ...or else she going to blame me for another year.
Anyway, Happy birthday to you boon, Kristie hope to celebrate with u too! Well, never mind another birthday babe is coming , hahahahah you should know who lah...maybe can hold her bday at KL ..heheheh
Stay pretty & better get a BF lah ...nobody bid u ..u too expensive liao lah ...ahahhahah