You're always my buddies....Just as you thought what I have been doing for the past one week. I have been staying out with my buddies. I have lots of FUN!!!!. A memories to keep before I left the Club.
My mind is blank. I am lost and don't know where to start. There were so many things happening for the past one week. It's not easy to find a friend who you can click. It's not easy to find someone who you can click with and work well with. Such good buddies where to find ? We worked as a team. We shared happiness. We shared problems. We jokes. We gossip. We talked bad about tsunami. We cruse and swear to those irritating useless bugs in the Club. We shared good foods. We worked till late at night. We woke up early to make breakfast.We are always together. I am not sure whether I am make the right choice. I doubt about my new working place. I am not looking forward tomorrow.
Last friday was our club Sing Siam Regatta and I was asked to help up for the events. It's Jamie's event , how can I not lend my hands to her ? It had been a tiring days and nights but we were having lots of fun. We stay till late at night and wake up early in the morning.I have taste the fun of being a bartender. I have taste the fun of being a waitress. I have taste the fun to prepare breakfast for the Thai. And hey I learned how to make scramble eggs and It taste incredible good!!! Tumb up :)

Azman the Club DJ & Fann

The tiger babes...

We were having fun at the bar counter

Taken with the Thai

I believe most of them have watched the movie ' Titanic '. How Jack and Rose met on the ship. How they fall in love in just two days!!! I never thought that this could be happen in real life. My buddy Bud , is love-stuck to a Thai guy during the Sing Siam Regatta. I am not sure I am the cause of it, to create this Thai - Sing relationship. She is really head over heels. Her mind is all over that Thai guy.

Fann with Bud's guy. Actually he is quite cute lah...

It's been eon since my last visit at Sentosa Underwater World. This time I went there on work purpose. I was tasked to bring the Thai kids there . I had a tough time looking after them, keep worried that I might lost them. The Kids were happy and excited about the trip. I enjoed myself too!!

a group photo :)
Guess what we having for our lunch ? Peanuts butter with bread...

Sleeping sharks......

Jelly fish

This fish is really huge !!!!!!!!
Unlike most of the Singapore kids, these kids are really very sensible. They appreciate all the things that you do for them. They know what is expensive. They know where to get cheap stuffs. I got them each a very nice keychains with a Pink dophine inside. They love it so much !! Some of them even plan to get someting for us in return of our gifts. And hey they are just a kid, they really touched my heart . It's a heart that count. We really had a great time together.
Right after the Sing Sim Ragatta, my buddies booked a chalet for my farewell party . I am really really touched! To know that all my buddies were really tired out after the Sing Siam Regatta. To know that they have arrange so much things for me. To know that I have so many good buddies in the Club. To know that they pre celebrate my Birthday for me. To know that they still remember my all times favourite Mango Cake.To know that they bought me sambal grill sting ray for dinner. What more can I say about them ? They are always my good buddies. I am looking forward for the next sat. I promised them that I will join them for the Down Memory Lane Party. It's going to be a 60s - 70s party all night. I have yet to search for my poker dots dress. It's a promise that we will meet again :)
Not only my working buddies, I got a surprise from Meiqi, Wensiang , Mabel and Chua too. They got me a $200 singtel voucher !!! I never thought of changing my HP but guess I can start looking for one. Thanks guys!! Thanks for the surprise :) It's really sweet of you. Life never be so good without you guys around.
My new life going to start tomorrow , and still I am not looking forward.